Career Q&A: Millennial “Common Sense” and Management Strategies for Young Leaders

Welcome to Career Q&A, where I answer career and workplace questions submitted by professionals like you. Tech Founder from Generation X Wants to Better Understand his Millennial Employees In 2010, I founded a small tech startup, which I’ve grown to about 60 employees. Like most other tech companies, my employees are primarily Millennials. They know […]

How to Manage People Older than You Are

Alina Morse is thirteen years old, and she’s already become the face of a multi-million-dollar company. (For context, thirteen-year-old Lindsey was playing mediocre middle school field hockey and doing a little neighborhood babysitting). Together with her dad, Alina solved a problem every kid faces. She created a lollipop that was actually good for teeth!  In […]

3 Effective, Budget-Friendly Tips for Saying Thanks to Your Employees

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, I want to talk about how to say thanks to your employees without breaking the bank. It’s wonderful to add dollars to a holiday bonus, but money is rarely the top contributor to employee happiness.  Acknowledgement and gratitude, however, go a long way in increasing employee production and long-term job satisfaction. So […]

Are You Guilty of Micromanaging? (Or Is Your Manager?)

It’s an affliction that affects so many managers, and often they don’t even realize they’re doing it. See if you can spot yourself — or your manager — in any of these statements: Can I read that email before you send it? When will you have that report to me? Did you call the client, […]

The One Conversation That Can Instantly Improve Your Career

Do you generally prefer emailing, texting or talking on the phone? Do you love it when people write their whole message in the email subject line or does it make you cringe? How do you feel about voicemail? Emoticons? Infographics? What these types of questions reveal is commonly known as your “communication style,” that is, […]