Attitudes and Attributes of Millennials in the Workplace

Having Millennials on your team can bring new perspectives and energy. Their approaches to work and the workplace are different than those of their older colleagues, but this dynamic generation has a lot to offer to a wide variety of employers.

This week I’ve been reading a variety of articles about Millennials in the workplace. Read on to learn more about where they want to work, how they want to manage their careers, the unique attributes they bring with them and what you can do to recruit them to work at your organization.

  • Millennials Spark Creativity in the Workplace. The Tennessean: “Millennials will fight until they succeed. ‘No’ is not an option, but rather a challenge in getting to the eventual ‘yes’ they are looking for. Constructive criticism is seen as a ramp up to the right answer, not as a dead end. They are constantly coming up with new ideas to fit the bill and please their superiors, and are open to brainstorms and collaborative thinking. Rather than coming to a boss with problems, they come with possible solutions.”
  • 6 Ways To Turn Millennial Stereotypes Into Wins For Everyone. Fast Company: “Many employers find it irritating when a wet-behind-the-ears employee asks for work-from-home privileges, but this is a Millennial reality. It’s nerve-racking to give up control and transparency, but trust translates to retention and loyalty. If you don’t trust someone, they will usually give you a reason not to trust them.”
  • How to Attract Talented Millennials to Your Nonprofit. Forbes: “Recently, nonprofits and social enterprises have really been stepping up their branding game to attract younger demographics. It’s been working – according to a 2014 study by Deloitte, 63 percent of Millennials donate to charities and 43 percent actively volunteer or are a member of a community organization. The charitable organizations that are most successful in involving younger generations have a few things in common that others can learn from.”
  • Millennials Want to Be Job-Hopping Generation. But Economy Won’t Let Them. The Washington Post: “Job-hopping among younger workers has slowed as a result of the Great Recession, as it has for all workers. Economists worry that this is a bad sign, particularly when it comes to younger workers — fewer young people trading up for better jobs could mean better jobs are scarce. As the economy improves, some experts wonder if this generation, scorched and shaped by a high unemployment rate and a rapidly shifting economy, and pushed by their own ideals, will be the first to keep job-hopping, and buck the trend of settling in as they age.”


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hi, i'm lindsey!

Lindsey is a globally recognized career and workplace expert and the leading voice on generational diversity. She has spoken for more than 300 audiences including Google, Goldman Sachs, Estee Lauder, Stanford and Wharton. Lindsey is the author of four career and workplace advice books, and her insights have appeared in media outlets including The TODAY Show, CNBC, NPR, the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal.


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