Teamwork for the Win

It’s game time! The Super Bowl brings a lot of thing to mind: expensive ads, decadent appetizers…and teamwork. Teamwork is as essential to your professional career as it is to a winning season on the field. And organized sports are well-known for helping foster teamwork, along with other essential success skills, from determination to graceful […]

Are Professional Associations and Networking Events Doomed? This Millennial Says No

Do professional associations and networking events sound as old school as a VCR? Believe it or not, some are thriving – and there’s a reason. It’s not that millennials aren’t joiners – one survey found that 58 percent of professionals under 40 are part of a professional organization or community, and 77 percent of those […]

Next Up, Gen Z: What Managers Need to Know Today About the Workers of Tomorrow

As workplaces adjust to (and increasingly embrace) millennials’ needs and priorities, many forward thinkers are already wondering what’s next. At speaking engagements, I’m frequently asked about Gen Z: How are they different than Gen Y? What do managers and business leaders need to know about this new generation? Here is my take: Back Up. What […]

The One Relationship That Will Change Your Career

Many well-respected leaders share a secret to career success: having a mentor who guided and advised them along the way. I have relied on the wisdom of a helpful circle of professionals over the years, and I have benefitted from being a mentor, as well (as my readers know, I’m a big fan of the […]

It’s Not About You: What You Really Need to Know About Your Personal Brand

In 1997, business guru Tom Peters wrote an article for Fast Company, “The Brand Called You.” The timing for this revolutionary concept was especially powerful for me, as a recent college graduate just beginning  my career. Now, I know the phrase “personal brand” can turn some people off (much like the word “networking.”) If it […]

Beyond Perks: These Companies Are Getting Creative to Keep Millennials on Board

For a long time, the conversation about attracting and retaining millennial employees focused on perks. Over the past few years, companies have realized that creating a millennial-friendly environment doesn’t just mean video games and free granola bars. Employers are making significant strides in offering benefits that are important to millennials, from open offices to flexible […]

The Old Career Path Is a Dead End

The definition of “career” is in major transition. Forget staying with a company until your golden anniversary; many millennials don’t stay with a company long enough to celebrate even one anniversary. Over the past few months, I’ve been talking to millennials and leaders at companies and universities about the new path to career success for […]

How to Make This Your Best Year Ever

As you set your New Year’s resolutions (mine include eating less sugar and reading more fiction — book recommendations welcome!), don’t forget to set some professional goals. To get you started, I rounded up career advice that will help young professionals catapult to the next level. And, here’s a secret: If you’re a more seasoned […]

The 5-Minute Download: Best Advice of 2015

Already immersed in the barrage of “Best of” and “Top 10” lists? I’m joining in this year and here’s why: I’m often asked by new readers for a cheat sheet on the most buzzworthy, need-to-know millennial trends and topics. As we close out 2015, I thought I’d compile my most-read posts from the year, with […]

Here’s Why You Can Cross Performance Reviews off Your Year-End List…Forever

Dread year-end performance reviews? You’re in good company. It turns out, they’re not particularly effective anyway, especially according to millennials. A study from human resources provider TriNet found the traditional performance-review process can negatively impact many millennials’ attitudes about their jobs and employers. In fact, nearly 30 percent of the workers surveyed have looked for […]