Back to Basics: 7 Essentials for a Successful Job Search

I’m excited to announce that my book, Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World, will be published in a brand new, fully revised second edition on January 31st! In honor of the launch, this month I’ll be writing series of “back to basics” blog posts on the essentials […]

3 New Career Habits for the New Year

Happy New Year! Let’s get right to it and talk about how to make your mark in the coming 12 months. Whether you want to secure a raise, a promotion or a better job, these habits — one daily one weekly, one monthly — will keep you on track for big success. I’m committing to […]

Does Your Resume “Resunate”?

I recently spoke with Mona Adbel-Hailm, the co-inventor of, to learn more about her company’s new approach to resume creation. In a nutshell, Resunate enables job seekers to create customized, job specific resumes. As I learned in a demo, your work experience gets screened against any job description and then indicates if you’re a […]

LinkedIn Tips for Veterans

As a global spokesperson for LinkedIn, I had the honor this week of writing a blog post to support LinkedIn’s Veterans Initiative, a new microsite tailored with tips, tools and information to help veterans find new opportunities (including a free one-year LinkedIn Job Seeker subscription for all current and former service men and women). Please share […]

On Fox Business: Why You Should Have a LinkedIn Profile

Many thanks to my friend Dr. Woody for interviewing me this week for his column on Here are two tips from the article: Become an Expert: The best way to gain credibility in a field is to become a go-to resource. LinkedIn offers a number of tools for helping professionals engage with peers to exchange […]

Do You Have Career Blind Spots? An Interview with Alexandra Levit

Alexandra Levit is a good friend and a great career expert. She’s written several terrific career advice books and has just released her latest, Blind Spots: 10 Business Myths You Can’t Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success. In today’s post, Alexandra answers some of my questions: Q. How did you come up […]

Why Your College Major Doesn’t Matter

In honor of back to school season, I wanted to share an observation I’ve made over the past ten years of advising Generation Y on their post-college careers: When it comes to your job search and career aspirations, your college major doesn’t matter.* Yes, there are some professions (e.g., accounting), where you may need a […]

3 Simple Ways to Get More Feedback

When I run training programs for companies on how to better manage their Generation Y talent, there is a certain complaint I hear over and over again: This generation wants too much feedback! According to many managers, Gen Y employees want feedback “on-demand” — they want to know how they’re doing after virtually every meeting, […]