5 Job Search Tips for International Students

I was struck by a recent front page story in The New York Times that discussed the steady rise in Chinese students applying to U.S. colleges and universities. While the article focused on how schools like Grinnell College in Iowa actively recruit in China and how an international students can “have an edge if he […]

What’s Wrong with a “Real” Job? A Q&A with Scott Gerber

With economic upheaval taking place around the world, the next generation of workers is up against a tidal wave of change. This week I had the privilege of conducting a Q&A session with Scott Gerber, who has some outspoken opinions on the future of careers for Millennials. Read Scott’s thoughts and then tell me what […]

Top 10 Job Hunting Tips of 2010

I absolutely love end of year lists, and swooned when I found Time.com’s list of The Top 10 of Everything of 2010. Although Time’s list of lists is pretty comprehensive, ranging from apologies to new species to Twitter moments, I wanted to add my own top 10 list — top 10 tips for job seekers. […]

Create a Career Wish List

  As we turn the calendar to December, the holiday season is in full swing. Hanukkah is beginning, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lights are shining and every ad on TV and online relates to shopping, shopping and more shopping. I plan to do all of my holiday shopping online this year, as I do […]

How to (and How Not to) Ask for Advice

One of the most common recommendations I give to young professionals is to ask more experienced people for advice. After all, there’s no better way to know how to do something than to ask someone who’s “been there, done that.” This is also known as informational interviewing and it’s a great strategy. However, what I’ve […]

6 Common Sense Job Search Tips

Last week’s post, “5 Simple But Brilliant Job Interview Strategies,” generated a lot of feedback, particularly from recruiters who told me how often job seekers make seemingly obvious mistakes such as spelling a recruiter’s name incorrectly. This reminded me of the fact that, as Voltaire famously said, “Common sense is not so common.” So today […]

5 Simple But Brilliant Job Interview Strategies

In a recent blog post I outlined some of the biggest job seeker mistakes to avoid, based on my own experience hiring a paid intern. Today, I’ll share some simple but impactful tactics to help you land the job you want. 1. Spell the recruiter or hiring manager’s name right. Of the emails I received […]

Making the MBA Decision

Dear Lindsey, How important is getting your MBA from a top graduate school verses a middle of the road or maybe online school make? What difference does it make regarding future pay and opportunities? Thanks, Marie Dear Marie, Educational decisions are personal and the right answers are different for everyone. What I can do is provide you […]

Secrets of Summer Career Success

For many people, the July 4th weekend marks the beginning of Slacker Season at work: the time to enjoy long lunches outside and cut out early on Fridays. I love the mellowness of summer and encourage you to enjoy the season to its fullest. I also know that you need to keep your job search […]

Top 5 Recruiter Pet Peeves REVEALED!

While it’s incredibly important to do the right things in a job search, you also need to make sure you avoid doing the wrong things. One of my favorite questions to ask recruiters is, “What are your biggest pet peeves about entry-level job candidates?” Below are some of the answers I’ve received. Hopefully this list […]