The Most Important Career Growth Tip

A few days ago I received an email from a colleague who serves with me on a nonprofit board. “Does anyone know where I can get Mets/Yankees tickets?” I knew (!), so I responded right away. Later that day I was desperately trying to remember the name of a website I’d recently heard about where […]

The Secret to Successful Networking in the 21st Century

Last week I attended the annual conference of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the largest organization for university career services professionals and entry-level recruiters. As someone who frequently talks about the powers of social media for connecting, this conference was a reminder that LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are only half the networking […]

10 Meal Etiquette Tips for Job Seekers

Last week I hosted an etiquette dinner at a college in New York City.  About 30 students came in their best business casual attire, networked during a “mocktail” hour and then sat down to a formal business dinner. Believe it or not, we had a lot of fun talking about which fork to use when […]

3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Career

I’m having trouble writing this blog post, because all I want to do is go outside and enjoy the warm spring air. Alas, I am inside at my computer, occasionally staring out my window at the bright blue sky. And, after I finish writing, there is more inside work to be done today. I’ve just […]

On 5 High-Impact Career Habits

This post originally appeared on Lindsey’s “College to Career” blog for Manpower. Exercise for 30 minutes a day. Sleep eight hours a night. Floss. Good habits are the building blocks of a healthy life. The same goes for your career: small daily habits add up to big success. The earlier in your working life you […]

On Green Careers: An Interview with Shari Aaron, co-author of Climb the Green Ladder

As green careers continue to grow in popularity, I’m pleased to share an interview I conducted with Shari Aaron, co-author of Climb the Green Ladder: Make Your Company and Career More Sustainable. Lindsey:  For those who don’t know, what is social entrepreneurship and the “triple bottom line”? Shari: Sustainability, corporate social responsibility, green, and triple […]

One Way to Help the “Lost Generation”

A recent BusinessWeek cover story called today’s graduates “The Lost Generation,” citing statistics that young people who graduate in recession years continue to earn less over the long-term course of their careers. This weekend, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert addressed the same issue, writing: “These recent graduates have done everything society told them to […]

Virtual Internships: A Growing Trend and Great Opportunity

This is a guest post by my friends Lauren Porat and Cari Sommer, co-founders of Urban Interns. The job hunt is fierce. But a phenomenal new type of internship is on the rise, and it’s one that will boost your skills while at the same time allow you the flexibility of working from home and […]

You Have More Experience Than You Think (Part III)

Today I’m pleased to share my third and final post on all the types of experience you have that you might not be giving yourself credit for. Make sure to read part one and part two. I hope you find this valuable, and please share any additional suggestions in the Comments! Part III: Personal Interests and […]