Join Lindsey on Martha Stewart Living Radio this Wednesday

This Wednesday, April 22nd, at 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific, I’ll be a live guest on “Making a Living with Maggie” on Martha Stewart Living Radio on SIRIUS 112 and XM 103. The topic will be creative job hunting and career tips for college students graduating this spring. “Making a Living with Maggie,” hosted by career and […]

All is Not Lost for the Class of ’09: Lindsey in The New York Times

Thank you to reporter Eilene Zimmerman for including me in this Sunday’s New York Times “Career Couch” column, featuring positive advice and suggestions for graduating college students. The article also mentions the Q&A blog and free downloadable job search worksheets I’ve created with PricewaterhouseCoopers. Here is an excerpt from the Times column: Q. You are […]

Lindsey on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams

Last night I had the opportunity to appear on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, talking about “Hard Times Facing the Class of ’09.” I didn’t get to meet Mr. Williams in person, but I did get to share some thoughts on job prospects for this year’s graduating class. Click here to watch the segment […]

How to make money and build your career without a full-time job

With graduation around the corner and the economy plunging deeper into recession, many students are facing the possibility that they may graduate without full-time jobs. While this is not the ideal scenario, especially for those with student loans, it is not the end of the world. There are many ways to make money and build […]

Considering Entrepreneurship: First Steps to Starting Your Own Business

This Saturday’s New York Times featured a front-page story about how the recession is prompting some people to start their own businesses instead of looking for new jobs. It’s an encouraging story if you’ve ever considered the option of creating your own venture, large or small. While some people decide to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship, […]

Career Q&A: Should I change my career plans because of the recession?

Q: I graduated in May with a political science major and am wondering what to do next. My plan was to apply to law school, but with so much student debt already incurred I am having second thoughts. I am currently working at a bank as a teller, but this is not the career I […]

Career Q&A: How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in a Crowd

Q: I’ve been applying for jobs since September and have not been called for a single interview. I’ve taken my resume to Career Services for a review and some tips, but still nothing. How can I make my resume stand out in a crowd?  A: You’ve taken the right first step, which is having an […]

Tips for Staying Positive in a Tough Job Market

If you walked around midtown Manhattan during the summer, you might have seen the financial executive, in his late 40s, who paraded around in a sandwich board declaring “Experienced MIT Grad for Hire” and handing out copies of his resume. A few months later, you might have come across a group of job-hunting, 20-something recent […]

How to Succeed in an Internship: 8 Tips

As spring break approaches, many college students are making plans for summer internships. As I’ve blogged about previously, internships are more important for young professionals than ever. Thanks to Heather Huhman, of the Entry Level Careers Examiner, for sharing eight of my tips for internship achievement. 1. Learn how work is different from school. Of […]

Career Q&A

Each month I’ll be answering reader questions over at ABC News on Campus. This month’s Q&A includes issues such as job hunting in a recession, job hunting in a new city, finding finance positions and assessing the value of internships. Click here to read the entire Career Q&A… Click here to submit a question of […]