15 Expert LinkedIn Strategies to Impress Recruiters and Land a Job Now

I recently hosted two former colleagues, Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling of the LinkedIn Guys, on The Work Remix Podcast. The three of us worked together during my LinkedIn consulting days, and in this episode, we discuss how you can use LinkedIn to land a job, even in today’s challenging climate. Is your LinkedIn profile […]

Can College Graduates Still Find Jobs during the Coronavirus Shutdown?

As a college senior, your summer job outlook has likely turned on its head because of coronavirus. In January, you were looking forward to finishing your last round of finals and celebrating with friends and family. Now, social distancing has canceled graduation ceremonies and shut down most businesses across the country. I want you to […]

Career Q&A: Dealing with Job Insecurity During Coronavirus, Tips for Managing Remote Workers, Millennial “Common Sense” and Creating a Culture of Apprenticeship

Welcome to the Monthly Work Remix, where I answer career and workplace questions submitted by professionals like you. Every month, I’ll adapt episodes of my brand new podcast, The Work Remix, into a reader-friendly advice column. Click the links below to stream the individual episodes and hear my answers in greater detail. Note that some […]

5 Must-Read Books for Career Success

  When I reached out to dozens of colleagues to ask what their favorite people management book was, The One Minute Manager received the most mentions. Consider this super-short book a “management for dummies” that’s really very smart.   My all-time favorite book on networking. As you might guess from the title, Never Eat Alone is about why […]

Generation Z: What Every Leader Needs to Know (Updated for 2019!)

So, while decoding the Millennial mindset is still an important part of the work I do as a multigenerational workplace speaker and consultant, much of my clients’ attention is turning to the next generation, Gen Z, whose members were born starting in 1997 and represent the youngest of the unprecedented five generations in the U.S. […]

This Is Your New Career Superpower

Over the years I have discovered a daily practice that acts like nothing short of a superpower for your career.   It makes employees invaluable to their associates and clients. It helps job seekers stand out. And it ensures you always have a steady flow of interesting conversation topics, whether you find yourself at a […]

How to Get Started In Your Career: 90 Tips for Success

In my book Getting from College to Career, I provide readers with an essential guide to succeeding in the real world. The book is organized into 90 tips to help orient and guide you. My book (and this post) don’t contain a step-by-step, all-inclusive guide to getting a job. Rather, it offers the best tips I’ve gathered […]