Managing Millennials Q&A: Why Isn’t My Mentee Reaching Out?

Note to readers: This is the sixth post in my new series based on questions I frequently hear about managing millennials — those ongoing management challenges that can really make or break workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and, of course, millennial managers). I hope the […]

Multigenerational Workplace Challenge: Develop Healthy Conflict Resolution Skills

Disagreement in the workplace is inevitable, particularly when you are passionate about what you do. Add in generational differences and discord can become all but certain. But here’s the thing: Conflict needs to be respectful. Always. Losing your temper or being overly stubborn can mar your professional image. Mastering the art of healthy debate and […]

Want To Shed the Millennial “Snowflake” Image? This Quality Will Help

Grit. This word has recently jumped into our business vernacular, sparked in large part by the revealing book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, by Angela Duckworth.  When millennials are falsely described through stereotypes like “snowflakes” or “trophy chasers” or as being constantly hovered over by “helicopter parents,” what detractors are really saying is […]

ICYMI: My Post on Helicopter Parents Struck a Chord

Wow. People feel strongly about helicopter parents in the workplace. It seems my July 26 post on helicopter parents in the workplace definitely resonated.   I enjoyed reading each and every comment and thought I would share a few of them in case you missed the lively discussion… Twitter Buzz on Helicopter Parenting I appreciated […]

The Best Career Advice Quotations

One of my favorite questions to ask successful professionals is, “What is one thing you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career?” (For me, it’s learning to reach out for help when difficult situations arise, rather than thinking I have to solve everything myself.) Surround Yourself With an Awesome Team […]

5 Surprising Sources of Summer Work Stress — and How to Fix Them

When you think of summer — sun! Smoothies! vacation! Fridays off! — you may assume that work stress is packed away with your winter coat and gloves. But summer can bring its own workplace challenges. Here are five scenarios that can cause unexpected summer work stress and tips on how to handle them. You’re Not […]

Generation Z: What Every Employer Needs to Know

While millennials in the workplace have dominated our thinking about generations for years, we are learning more every day about their successors: Generation Z. Now is officially the time to get serious about Gen Z (the generation born approximately 1998 and later), especially if you hire interns or entry-level employees. The good news is that […]

The One Conversation That Can Instantly Improve Your Career

Do you generally prefer emailing, texting or talking on the phone? Do you love it when people write their whole message in the email subject line or does it make you cringe? How do you feel about voicemail? Emoticons? Infographics? What these types of questions reveal is commonly known as your “communication style,” that is, […]

The 5 Best Graduation Speeches of 2017

Giving a college graduation speech is a singular experience: you have an audience full of proud families — from great-grandparents to younger siblings — and excited grads ready to throw their mortarboards and start their post-school lives. Everyone wants to hear a memorable message, and these days, of course, people’s camera phones are poised to […]

Weird in a World That’s Not: A Q&A With Author Jennifer Romolini

She had me at “weird.” I couldn’t wait to dig into Jennifer Romolini’s brand new book, Weird In a World That’s Not: A Career Guide for Misfits, F*ckups, and Failures. After all, who among us hasn’t at some point felt totally out of place, especially in a work setting? I recently had the opportunity to […]