My TEDx Talk: Let’s Finally Stop Shaming Millennials and Do This Instead

I recently had the thrill of presenting at TEDx St. Louis Women. (Watch my full TEDx talk below.) This event, held at the gorgeous Peabody Opera House, was one of several TEDx Women events across the country the same day all addressing the theme, “It’s About Time.” It took me all of five seconds to […]

#Goal: To-Do List Zero

Some productivity zealots are obsessed with “inbox zero,” but you might also be looking to conquer “to-do list zero.” Whether you’re a to-do list app aficionado, a “write it down so you can cross it off” type, you’ve jumped down the “bullet journal” rabbit hole, or you’re super Type-A like me and buy graph paper […]

Never Stop Learning: Why True Masters Are Lifelong Students

As I talk to successful professionals I admire, I am often struck by one commonality: They are committed to always studying their craft. To me, it’s lifelong learning separates those who will continue to rise in their fields from those who are content to just float along. No matter what stage of your career, having […]

#MyBossStory: How I Became an RA for Life

When I wrote Becoming the Boss, one of my goals was to highlight how I moved my own career from beginner to boss. I love sharing #MyBossStory with young women who are just starting out because it doesn’t feel that long ago that I was in those shoes. My story starts in a college dorm. […]

Beyond the Humblebrag: How to Own Your Success Without Feeling Braggy

“I have no place to put my new award! I’m running out of wall space in my office!” “So don’t love my new haircut, but three people told me it makes me look younger. Are they lying?!” We’ve all rolled our eyes at similar “humblebrags,” whether they’re comments made in meetings or posted on social […]

Are You a “Financial Grownup?” A Conversation with Author Bobbi Rebell

If you’ve heard a lot about millennials’ financial challenges (they hop between jobs, they’re strapped with student loan debt), you might be surprised to know that as a generation, millennials are actually extremely fiscally responsible and eager to get started on the right financial foot. That’s why I was intrigued by the forthcoming book by […]

Social Media at Work: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?

Truth: Social media at work is an integral part of many of your employees’ days. According to a Pew research report, employees are using social media at work for a wide variety of reasons, both professional and non-job related — a combined 61 percent said they use social media to “take a mental break from […]

Simple Ways To Build “Brand You”

Faithful readers of my blog know that I am a big advocate of proactively building “Brand You” — that is, your personal brand — or as you may prefer to call it, your professional reputation. Simply put, your personal brand is how people see you, and that image can directly impact your career. Managers, mentors, […]

5 Things Every College and Employer Should Know About Gen Z

Just when we start to figure out millennials, everyone starts looking ahead. Don’t get me wrong: I still spend the majority of my time helping leaders think about millennials and the opportunities and challenges they bring to the workplace. But, more and more I’m getting questions about Gen Z, the generation that comes after millennials. […]

The New Normal of Recruiting: Online Company Reviews

When was the last time you booked a vacation, made a restaurant reservation or bought a new appliance (or even a pair of shoes) without checking online reviews? I’d bet it was quite a while ago, since most of us these days are inclined to check into absolutely everything before we make a move. This […]