Why LinkedIn is the Hottest Publisher of the Moment

Want to write for the same publication as Bill Gates and Suze Orman? Guess what? You can. The “Publisher” platform on LinkedIn is the largest publication in the world, with the potential to get in front of LinkedIn’s 414 million members. But you don’t have to be Bill Gates to publish on LinkedIn. The platform […]

3 Steps to Landing Your First Job: Advice for Recent Grads

As we head into graduation season, most grads-to-be are feeling a mixture of anticipation and anxiety as they prepare to launch into the real world. But there’s a percentage who likely have another emotion blended in: panic. If you are graduating this spring and still job hunting, it can seem as though everyone else has […]

The Not-So-Secret Skills Every Young Professional Needs

Lately, I’ve been hearing a common theme from managers of millennials. They’re hiring you for your record of strong performance, and you deliver. But two little words are holding you back: soft skills. Most professional newbies are unaware of a paradigm shift that happens when you segue from school to the workplace. Your whole life […]

Why Day One Matters

As companies look to the spring hiring season, many leaders are focused on how to attract the best and brightest millennials. If you’re planning to bring on new hires, it’s important to think past the moment the offer is accepted and seriously consider what the first few days and weeks on the job will look […]

5 Must-Know Tips for Working with Your Friends

We often think about workplace relationships in terms of buzzword-y concepts like “mentor” or “networking.” But most of us realize our work squad should also include workplace friends — someone you can grab lunch with or commiserate over a work fail. I’ve met some great friends at work through the course of my career, particularly in […]

Teamwork for the Win

It’s game time! The Super Bowl brings a lot of thing to mind: expensive ads, decadent appetizers…and teamwork. Teamwork is as essential to your professional career as it is to a winning season on the field. And organized sports are well-known for helping foster teamwork, along with other essential success skills, from determination to graceful […]

It’s Not About You: What You Really Need to Know About Your Personal Brand

In 1997, business guru Tom Peters wrote an article for Fast Company, “The Brand Called You.” The timing for this revolutionary concept was especially powerful for me, as a recent college graduate just beginning  my career. Now, I know the phrase “personal brand” can turn some people off (much like the word “networking.”) If it […]

The Old Career Path Is a Dead End

The definition of “career” is in major transition. Forget staying with a company until your golden anniversary; many millennials don’t stay with a company long enough to celebrate even one anniversary. Over the past few months, I’ve been talking to millennials and leaders at companies and universities about the new path to career success for […]

How to Love Networking (Even If You Hate the Word)

The word “networking” sometimes gets a bad rap – all those connotations of speed dating-style awkwardness, business card collecting and name tags at stuffy functions. Instead, let’s call networking what it should be: relationship building.  And nothing – nothing! – in your career will be more important than this. Years ago, relationship management revolved around […]

Etiquette Update: The New Rules for Thank-You Notes

People often ask me if thank-you notes are still important. My answer is an unequivocal, absolute, unqualified, deeply passionate YES. I’m astonished at how many people fail to send a thank-you note after a formal job interview, which has been the rule forever. And I bet I’m not alone when I say that nothing impresses […]