What You Can Learn from a Bad Boss

Got a Horrible Boss? Well, lucky you! Stay with me for a minute. The truth is, having a terrible boss early in your career can present a hugely valuable learning opportunity that you might not recognize. Like most people, I’ve had my share of challenging bosses. Here are three lessons I learned from the experience […]

Steal-Worthy Networking Ideas

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Most of us have heard this career advice, but it is true that who you know can help propel your career. Whether it’s someone you meet at an industry event, an informational interview or a new friend at the juice bar, being a savvy networker can […]

The Why and How of Emoji

????????????????✈???? Yes, emoji are everywhere. A friend sends a happy hour reminder with a glass of wine emoji. Another friend wants to meet you for a spin class and sends the muscle one. A birthday wish with a cake. But then, wait a second! Did your assistant just send you a big thumbs up? Emoji […]

Job Search Advice for Graduates

The job market can be an intimidating place. That’s why I’ve dedicated much of my career to sharing job search advice that can help new grads figure it out, like basics on how to build a resume and where to start a job search. This week, I’ve been reading the latest job search advice for […]

My Biggest Work Fail: A Lesson for Millennials and Their Managers

My first job out of college was in the business development group of WorkingWoman.com at the height of dot-com mania. Early on, I was tasked with negotiating a contract with a new client, something I’d never done before. But I was on it – referring to my notes and busily cutting and pasting verbiage. When […]

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Do you ever feel like a fake? If you’re a leader today and you’ve felt some occasional insecurity in your role, you’re far from alone. This phenomenon is often called impostor syndrome, and it’s a concern that arises in many training sessions I deliver to leaders, and new leaders in particular. The good news is […]

How to Be More Productive

Thanks to everyone that commented and shared my last post – I loved hearing about all of the ways you are staying productive this holiday season. With the New Year right around the corner, many of you may already be making resolutions to be more productive. That’s a great first step. But the next step […]

URL vs. IRL: How Should You Build Your Personal Brand?

As a professional today, your online image is essential. It’s just as likely that a potential client will “meet” you through a Google search as at a professional conference. Or, if you’re job hunting, that a recruiter will view your credentials on the LinkedIn®  app as on a paper resume. Every professional must craft and […]

5 Email Etiquette Rules for the Multigenerational Workforce

Though some people feel that email is dead, statistics prove we’re far from that truth. Over 11,000 emails are sent to the average worker per year. Professionals spend hours every week reading and responding to emails, which is why perfecting email writing is one of the most important things you can do for your reputation. […]

How to Conquer Your Job Search on LinkedIn in 15 Minutes a Day

Welcome to the busiest season of the year: schedules are filled with holiday shopping, end-of-year planning, get-togethers, winter weather prep, and so much more. It can be difficult to keep on top of your job search when the rest of life is so busy. My best advice is to create a simple, consistent job search […]