Squad Goals: How to Improve Your Team Chemistry

We’ve all been on those teams that just worked: Everyone pulled their weight, stellar work got done, and you had fun doing it. And, of course, we’ve been on teams that were the exact opposite. There’s a reason we call it “team chemistry.” Certain elements react, and the combination can be wonderful … or explosive. […]

Check Out What 3 Out of 4 Millennials Are Planning to Do with Their Careers

While much has been made of millennials’ tendency to job hop, there’s another career trajectory they’re embracing: The Break. In fact, one survey found that an astonishing three-quarters of American millennials see themselves taking a career break at some point to take care of kids, older relatives — or just to refresh and recharge. That […]

The Most Important Career Advice Nobody Talks About: Success Takes Time

Have you seen the documentary 20 Feet from Stardom? I recently watched it (a little late, I know), and I was struck by several insights applicable to success in any industry. (Pro tip: You can “rent” it from Amazon for just 99 cents!) The movie won the 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, and […]

How to Build a Modern Apprenticeship

Last week I wrote about apprenticeship, the ancient business strategy that I recommend every modern manager use. But, ahem, not all managers read my blog and even the most well-meaning managers don’t always follow best practices when it comes to training and coaching employees. (And yes, I know it’s weird to write about apprenticeship when […]

The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback at Work

Do you wonder if you’re giving your employees feedback that can help them excel at their jobs — and feel more included? Chances are, we could all improve at giving feedback at work. In fact, one survey found that 64 percent of employees wanted their supervisor to check in with them at least every two […]

Managing Millennials Q&A: Why Are My Employees Always Wearing Headphones at Work?

Note to readers: This is the second post in my new series based on questions I frequently hear about managing millennials — those ongoing management challenges that can really hinder workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and millennial managers!). I hope the advice I share […]

Funny Business: How Workplace Humor Can Contribute to Success

Do you enjoy a good joke during the work day? The problem is that sticky issue of what makes a joke “good” and work-appropriate. Some people love stand-up comedy-type routines – tough to pull off in a work setting (and often cringe-inducing). Others are more into practical jokes and April Fool’s stunts. Again, not funny […]

High Tech Recruiting Is Not Just for Silicon Valley Startups

When you think about using tech tools in recruiting, what comes to mind? Easing the flood of resumes through an applicant tracking system or scouring LinkedIn for intel on potential recruits? With competition soaring for the best employees, it’s time to think more creatively. Companies are pulling out all the stops to attract top-tier candidates, […]