Let’s Talk Politics! (Office Politics, That Is)

The phrase “office politics” makes some people queasy. Maybe that’s because we tend to associate “politics” with people who are looking out for No. 1. Those who will say anything to get ahead. The backstabbers. The gossipers. Very House of Cards. But office politics is a different game – and one that savvy professionals know […]

Poor Communication Skills Are Killing Your Authority

Remember the “house phone,” that apparatus we now call a “landline?” Every Gen Xer recalls the torment of the long cord that was just a little too short to get you away from your eavesdropping siblings, the annoying busy signal, and let’s be honest, the thrill of calling your crush and hanging up pre-caller ID. […]

Why Day One Matters

As companies look to the spring hiring season, many leaders are focused on how to attract the best and brightest millennials. If you’re planning to bring on new hires, it’s important to think past the moment the offer is accepted and seriously consider what the first few days and weeks on the job will look […]

Confessions of a Gen X Manager

Lately at speaking events I’ve been hearing some complaints from Millennials about their Gen X bosses. Because Gen Xers are only a few years older than Millennials, the younger group is often surprised that members of the older cohort — my contemporaries — aren’t always as supportive and attentive as millennials might want or expect. […]

Next Up, Gen Z: What Managers Need to Know Today About the Workers of Tomorrow

As workplaces adjust to (and increasingly embrace) millennials’ needs and priorities, many forward thinkers are already wondering what’s next. At speaking engagements, I’m frequently asked about Gen Z: How are they different than Gen Y? What do managers and business leaders need to know about this new generation? Here is my take: Back Up. What […]

Here’s Why You Can Cross Performance Reviews off Your Year-End List…Forever

Dread year-end performance reviews? You’re in good company. It turns out, they’re not particularly effective anyway, especially according to millennials. A study from human resources provider TriNet found the traditional performance-review process can negatively impact many millennials’ attitudes about their jobs and employers. In fact, nearly 30 percent of the workers surveyed have looked for […]

What Football Can Teach About Managing Millennials

Sports metaphors have always invaded the business world: We “throw Hail Marys” and “make game-day decisions.” And, as a new football season kicks off, the connection between business and sports is everywhere. I’ve taken particular notice this year because football teams have started to talk about the ways they’re adapting their tactics for a new […]

The Simple Way to Build Intergenerational Relationships at Work

If there’s one issue on which all generations agree, it’s that millennials are masters of technology. The Wall Street Journal recently published an article on millennials helping “befuddled” older employees with their tech troubles. Although I don’t love the thought of myself as “befuddled,” I did recently share in my newsletter how I enlisted a […]

Motivate Millennial Employees by Making Work Meaningful

Employers often complain that “millennials aren’t motivated.” While millennial employees may be motivated by different things than their Gen X and baby boomer colleagues, getting them excited about their jobs and spurring them to give their best isn’t as hard as you may think. As a leader, learning what can motivate millennials will help you […]

Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders: My Talk at NACE 2015

Last week I had the amazing experience of serving as a keynote speaker at the annual National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) conference in Anaheim, Calif. The enthusiasm of the crowd was infectious, and I had the opportunity to connect with so many career services professionals and campus recruiters who are on the front […]