3 Practical Tips for Overcoming Productivity FOMO during the Coronavirus Downturn

When it comes to working from home, I’ve noticed that the number one enemy of productivity is social media. I hear this from college interns. I hear it from direct managers. I’m not immune either – you should see me scroll through Twitter during the Oscars season. Americans spend an average of 2.35 hours every […]

15 Expert LinkedIn Strategies to Impress Recruiters and Land a Job Now

I recently hosted two former colleagues, Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling of the LinkedIn Guys, on The Work Remix Podcast. The three of us worked together during my LinkedIn consulting days, and in this episode, we discuss how you can use LinkedIn to land a job, even in today’s challenging climate. Is your LinkedIn profile […]

Coronavirus Confrontation: How to Deal with Conflict when Working Remotely

Stress and uncertainty can bring out the ugly sides of some people. Faced with fight or flight, some of our colleagues, unfortunately, choose to fight, lashing out at others to impose a sense of control.  This behavior might not look like a full-blown shouting match, but you might have noticed an increase in mean, insensitive […]

Avoid Zoom Doom: 10 Ways Managers Can Facilitate Inclusive, Virtual Conversations

Managers like you are used to hosting team meetings. You’ve probably led hundreds of weekly staff meetings. You might have given presentations to your company’s board of directors. Over the years, you’ve perfected your power poses and PowerPoint navigation. But, due to the pandemic, new work-from-home rules have shifted in-person meetings online. Zoom is the […]

Beyond Zoom: 3 Tips for Managing Employees Online during COVID-19

Coronavirus has forced millions of families to attempt homeschooling for the first time ever. My family is no exception. It sure has been a transition with unique frustrations and learning curves.  On the one hand, my family and I have had to adjust to an entirely new set of logistics. No more checking whether my […]

Career Q&A: Dealing with Job Insecurity During Coronavirus, Tips for Managing Remote Workers, Millennial “Common Sense” and Creating a Culture of Apprenticeship

Welcome to the Monthly Work Remix, where I answer career and workplace questions submitted by professionals like you. Every month, I’ll adapt episodes of my brand new podcast, The Work Remix, into a reader-friendly advice column. Click the links below to stream the individual episodes and hear my answers in greater detail. Note that some […]