Becoming Conscious of Unconscious Bias in the Multigenerational Workplace

Most of us tend to hang around with people who are “like us,” that is, who share commonalities in background, personality, interests, and yes, age. In the workplace, this can be problematic, as it can lead managers to jump to conclusions or make decisions about employees that they don’t even realize they are making, based […]

5 Ways to Retain Millennial and Gen Z Employees

How Will You Retain Employees? You’re probably already aware that millennials are currently the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. But while many companies have been focusing all their attention on building a millennial-friendly workplace, they may have overlooked the fact that Gen Z is the newest cohort taking the multigenerational workplace by storm—about 17 […]

How to Create Employee Benefits for a Multigenerational Workplace

Companies that view employee benefits as an afterthought are missing an incredible opportunity to build their employer brand and help attract and retain workers of all ages. In fact, a Glassdoor study found that nearly 65 percent of job applicants focus on available benefits nearly as much as salary. And there’s good reason: After all, […]

How to Bridge the Generational Divide: 5 Best Practices to Build Multigenerational Teams

For the first time in history, we now have five generations in the workforce, with employees ranging in age and experience across six decades. How do you manage multigenerational teams with such diversity and possible differences? The good news is that it might be easier than you think, since most generations want essentially the same things […]

How to Lead Across Generations: Putting the Remix Into Practice

In today’s five-generation workforce, it is more important than ever for leaders to become skilled at overseeing employees from a wide variety of backgrounds, identities and workplace expectations. Diversity and inclusion are critical to personal and organizational success. Research shows us again and again that the more diverse the team, the better the outcomes But […]

Best Leadership Lessons from Tools of Titans

“I’m a compulsive note taker…My goal is to learn things once and use them forever.” – Tim Ferriss And with that opening quotation, I was hooked on Tim Ferriss’ book, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. I immediately started saving my favorite leadership tips and takeaways to […]

Six Leadership Truths

Are you a leader or aspire to be one? Over the course of my career, I’ve figured out that leadership isn’t something that is “bestowed” upon you by your title or function; it’s something you earn by your actions, day after day after day. A friend once told me about the small office where she […]