Managing the Multigenerational Mix: How to Lead Your Diverse Team to Success

As I’ve mentioned before, in 2018 I am eager to make “progress” on my goal of creating more products and services for my community, and that’s why I’m so excited about this webinar. And the topic couldn’t be more timely. We are truly in uncharted waters, as today’s business leaders are faced with integrating five […]

How to Manage Millennial Employees

Last year I started answering common questions I hear from my consulting and speaking clients about Millennials in the workplace. Here I’ve collected the best of this advice into a handy “Guide to Managing Millennial Employees” that I hope is helpful for all generations. Question 1: Why are millennial employees such slackers? They don’t seem […]

Managing Younger Generations? What to Let Go Of to Be a Better Leader

Let it go. If you are a parent of a young child like I am, those three little words immediately conjure images of Elsa, Anna and the 900 times you’ve listened to the Frozen soundtrack over the past few years. But I think they are also words that we non-Millennials need to embrace when it […]

This Is Your New Career Superpower

Over the years I have discovered a daily practice that acts like nothing short of a superpower for your career.   It makes employees invaluable to their associates and clients. It helps job seekers stand out. And it ensures you always have a steady flow of interesting conversation topics, whether you find yourself at a […]

The Future of Freelancing: Five Things Managers Can Do  

There’s a seismic shift underway in the workplace, and if this “future of work” trend hasn’t affected you yet, it will. It’s the current fluctuation from full-time employment to freelancing. In fact, the “Freelancing in America: 2017” research from Upwork and Freelancers Union found that more than 57 million Americans are freelancing today, representing 36 […]

Ikigai: The Importance of Purpose in the Multigenerational Workplace

There is a lot of buzz right now about millennials’ desire for “purpose” in their work. The truth, however, is that a desire for meaning is remarkably intergenerational. Strikingly, the 2016 Global Purpose Index found that 48 percent of Baby Boomers and 38 percent of Gen Xers were purpose-driven, compared to 30 percent of millennials. […]

Why “One Size Fits All” Leadership Styles Actually Fit None

Have you ever tried on a garment labeled “one size fits all” and thought, “Uh, really?” Well, over the years I’ve found the term “one size fits all” doesn’t translate any better in management than it does in tank tops or Halloween costumes. And yet, leaders often fall into the trap of trying to manage […]