Managing Millennials Q&A: Why Isn’t My Mentee Reaching Out?

Note to readers: This is the sixth post in my new series based on questions I frequently hear about managing millennials — those ongoing management challenges that can really make or break workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and, of course, millennial managers). I hope the […]

Multigenerational Workplace Challenge: Develop Healthy Conflict Resolution Skills

Disagreement in the workplace is inevitable, particularly when you are passionate about what you do. Add in generational differences and discord can become all but certain. But here’s the thing: Conflict needs to be respectful. Always. Losing your temper or being overly stubborn can mar your professional image. Mastering the art of healthy debate and […]

What Do Millennials Really Want in a Work Environment?

Modular furniture? Bike rooms? Relaxation spaces? I’m often asked what millennials most want in a work environment, because there is so much conflicting information. New trends seem to arise every day: Open plan offices were all the rage among employers, until people realized they can be noisy and distracting. Working from home was going to […]

Communication Secrets of Great Leaders

Have you ever worked for someone with exceptional communication skills? Whether they have a knack for simplifying a complex topic or inspiring a team with just the right message, gifted communicators are able to instantly win over their audience in any setting — from a large conference audience to a one-on-one meeting.   The good […]

The Best Career Advice Quotations

One of my favorite questions to ask successful professionals is, “What is one thing you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career?” (For me, it’s learning to reach out for help when difficult situations arise, rather than thinking I have to solve everything myself.) Surround Yourself With an Awesome Team […]

Are You Guilty of Micromanaging? (Or Is Your Manager?)

It’s an affliction that affects so many managers, and often they don’t even realize they’re doing it. See if you can spot yourself — or your manager — in any of these statements: Can I read that email before you send it? When will you have that report to me? Did you call the client, […]

Ignore the Overhype — Leadership Qualities That Really Are Everything

We all know the “it” words for leadership qualities today, those buzzwords that pop up over and over to describe the qualities leader aspire to. Frankly, I’m totally over words like “ninja” and “guru.” But there are several words that are common in today’s management vernacular that really do describe great leaders. If you’re a […]

Ditch the Ropes Course: 5 Team-Building Activities Your Team Won’t Hate

“Oh, awesome! We’re heading to a ropes course!” said no one ever. Unfortunately, team-building activities have gotten a really bad rap over the years, largely because they are often perceived as “forced fun” that is anything but. If you are planning to host an activity for your team this summer, why not shake it up […]

Managing Millennials Q&A: What Benefits Do Millennials Really Want?

Note to readers: This is the fifth post in my new series based on questions I frequently hear about managing millennials — those ongoing management challenges that can really make or break workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and, of course, millennial managers). I hope […]

Generation Z: What Every Employer Needs to Know

While millennials in the workplace have dominated our thinking about generations for years, we are learning more every day about their successors: Generation Z. Now is officially the time to get serious about Gen Z (the generation born approximately 1998 and later), especially if you hire interns or entry-level employees. The good news is that […]