I Lived for My To-Do List, But Here’s Why I Ditched It

Is there anything more satisfying than checking things off of a to-do list? I didn’t used to think so. But I recently decided to kill my to-do list obsession—and here’s why you might want to ditch yours, too. A Love Affair with Lists I’m not sure anyone loves a to-do list more than I do. […]

How 5 “Old School” Industries Are Recruiting Millennials

It’s hard enough to attract and retain millennials to sexy tech companies, high-paying banking firms and other “hot” sectors. But what if you’re in a decidedly old school field or one that’s not top-of-mind for many job seekers? Here are some of the lessons these industries have learned that you can apply to your own […]

Managing Millennials Q&A: Why don’t young professionals want to talk on the phone?

Note to readers: This is the fifth post in my — those ongoing management challenges that can really make or break workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and millennial managers!). I hope the advice I share is helpful for all generations. Have a question you’ve […]

Don’t Make This Mistake Assessing Job Candidates

Strong GPA. Check.       Impressive internship. Check. The right technical certifications. Check. Seems like you’ve found the perfect candidate. But before you make an offer, there’s one more area to assess that can make or break job performance — soft skills. According to a LinkedIn survey, more than 60 percent of hiring managers […]

What are the Different Generations in the Workplace? Your Definitive Guide

When we talk about generational differences, it’s easy to fall into overly generalized stereotypes: Baby Boomers are responsible. (Funny, they used to be called the “Me Generation.”) Millennials are slackers. (Wait, wasn’t that Gen X?) Gen Xers are neglected middle children. (Paging Jan Brady.) Gen Zs march to their own drum. (Like…every generation before them?) […]

Career Advice Nobody Talks About: Everybody Bombs

Lately I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries – in March, it was  backup singers in 20 Feet from Stardom, and this month it’s stand-up comedians in Dying Laughing. (Please send me recommendations of what to stream next!) I love finding career advice in movies, and this doc did not disappoint. The documentary features a […]

Millennial Boss Talk: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

When it comes to Becoming the Boss, I know far from everything, but I did write the book. While I love to share my own #Boss Story, as you know I am not a millennial myself. So, this week I wanted to share a few great stories I’ve recently read from millennial bosses. There’s something […]

Squad Goals: How to Improve Your Team Chemistry

We’ve all been on those teams that just worked: Everyone pulled their weight, stellar work got done, and you had fun doing it. And, of course, we’ve been on teams that were the exact opposite. There’s a reason we call it “team chemistry.” Certain elements react, and the combination can be wonderful … or explosive. […]