Millennial Boss Talk: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

When it comes to Becoming the Boss, I know far from everything, but I did write the book. While I love to share my own #Boss Story, as you know I am not a millennial myself. So, this week I wanted to share a few great stories I’ve recently read from millennial bosses. There’s something […]

Squad Goals: How to Improve Your Team Chemistry

We’ve all been on those teams that just worked: Everyone pulled their weight, stellar work got done, and you had fun doing it. And, of course, we’ve been on teams that were the exact opposite. There’s a reason we call it “team chemistry.” Certain elements react, and the combination can be wonderful … or explosive. […]

Check Out What 3 Out of 4 Millennials Are Planning to Do with Their Careers

While much has been made of millennials’ tendency to job hop, there’s another career trajectory they’re embracing: The Break. In fact, one survey found that an astonishing three-quarters of American millennials see themselves taking a career break at some point to take care of kids, older relatives — or just to refresh and recharge. That […]

Managing Millennials Q&A: Why Do Millennial Employees Seem to Want Constant Feedback?

Note to readers: This is the third post in my new series based on questions I frequently hear about managing millennials — those ongoing management challenges that can really make or break workplace relationships. Each month I’ll tackle a question and provide some advice for managers and millennials (and millennial managers!). I hope the advice […]

What Millennials Want at Work (Hint: It’s Not Always More Money)

Are you struggling to find the formula to attract and retain millennials? If so, you’re not alone. Managers in every industry wonder how to nab high-performing employees and then keep them engaged, productive and satisfied once they’re on the job. The challenge is doubly confounding when would-be bosses realize they can’t always solve the problem […]

How to Build a Modern Apprenticeship

Last week I wrote about apprenticeship, the ancient business strategy that I recommend every modern manager use. But, ahem, not all managers read my blog and even the most well-meaning managers don’t always follow best practices when it comes to training and coaching employees. (And yes, I know it’s weird to write about apprenticeship when […]

On International Women’s Day, Let’s Celebrate Diversity of All Types

International Women’s Da is coming up, and with it come important calls for gender equality in the workplace. Among the many excellent articles surrounding this annual event, this year I wanted to highlight some reports and studies showing that diversity in the workplace is about even more than being “fair” or “right.” It’s about being […]