A New Lease on Office Space for Millennials

Goodbye corner offices and cubicle farms, hello wide open spaces. Millennials are a generation accustomed to cooperation and unimpressed by hierarchy, so it makes sense that Gen Y workers prefer office space that encourage collaboration and socializing. And, given millennials’ reliance on mobile technology, they’re not as tied to their desks, preferring to work in […]

How To COPE When Trying to Reach a Multigenerational Audience

In a world where young people suffer from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on social media, somehow that doesn’t apply to in-person events. Event planners frequently tell me how hard it is to get millennials to show up for events like conferences or resume workshops. While I hear this complaint about Millennials, the truth is […]

Timing is Everything: How Flexible Work Policies Can Help You Attract Millennials

If there’s one workplace must-have for millennials, it’s flexibility. In fact, they put a premium on work-life balance (or their preferred term, work-life integration) above almost everything else – including money. Typically, we think of flexibility in terms of shortened schedules or having the freedom to work from home. But that’s not the only way that […]

The Why and How of Emoji

????????????????✈???? Yes, emoji are everywhere. A friend sends a happy hour reminder with a glass of wine emoji. Another friend wants to meet you for a spin class and sends the muscle one. A birthday wish with a cake. But then, wait a second! Did your assistant just send you a big thumbs up? Emoji […]

The Hottest Millennial Career Track You’ve Never Thought of

According to a report by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, two million manufacturing positions are likely to go unfilled in the next decade due to a lack of skilled workers. Another study, this one from the Brookings Institution, named manufacturing as one of four “promising” industries that has not yet tapped into the potential of […]

Is Your BYOD Policy MIA? Why You Need One to Keep Millennials Happy

For millennials, it’s unthinkable not to be connected at all times. And they want to be connected through the best devices available. (This desire is not limited to Millennials, of course. I’m desperate for the new iPhone 6S.) Over the past few years, employers have begun experimenting with “BYOD” (Bring Your Own Device) policies to […]

7 Secrets to Become a Master of Meetings

“Oh yay! A meeting!” said no one, ever. Your typical meeting brings typical complaints: It’s long. Boring. Useless. But make no mistake – your meeting style matters to your career success and becoming a master of meetings will bolster your brand as a leader. I revisit this topic a lot: In fact, when I talked […]

Are Millennials Changing the Way You Recruit and Hire?

The new school year brings a new college recruiting season. Company recruiters are heading to college campuses around the country to meet potential employees and talk about life after graduation. But face-to-face recruiting is on the decline. Millennials use social media to find jobs, so an employer’s presence on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can make […]

What Football Can Teach About Managing Millennials

Sports metaphors have always invaded the business world: We “throw Hail Marys” and “make game-day decisions.” And, as a new football season kicks off, the connection between business and sports is everywhere. I’ve taken particular notice this year because football teams have started to talk about the ways they’re adapting their tactics for a new […]