Yelling Doesn’t Work: How to Give Negative Feedback to Millennials

“They want feedback. All. The. Time.” “They can’t handle any criticism.” “They want a trophy for showing up.” These are some of the most common complaints I hear from my corporate clients and speaking audiences about today’s millennial workers. While every millennial is unique and shouldn’t be stereotyped, I do feel this criticism often proves […]

Old Recruiting and Retention Tactics Won’t Work on Today’s New Employees

If you’re looking to expand your workforce this year, it’s important to look at how to be an appealing employer to millennials in the job market. These younger employees are looking for different things from their jobs than baby boomers and members of Gen X, and the employers that understand that will have an easier […]

Duke/CFO Survey: We’re Not Managing Millennials Well

Duke University and CFO Magazine recently released the latest set of results of their series of surveys asking CFOs about a variety of business issues, including millennials in the workforce. The latest data from the Duke/CFO Magazine Global Business Outlook Survey found CFOs saying their firms aren’t adapting to millennials very well and could do […]

Millennials’ Effect on the Workplace

The way millennials relate to work is changing the way we all approach life on the job. As more employers look for ways to recruit millennials, they’re making changes to the way they relate to all generations of employees when it comes to work styles, benefits, flex time and more. This week I bring you […]

Millennials Want Leadership Development — Is Your Company Offering Enough?

Aon Hewitt recently released its annual list of Top Companies for Leadership, highlighting the importance of leadership development as a foundation for business success. Developing leaders is especially important for organizations that are looking to attract high-potential millennial employees. These young workers are interested in joining organizations that are willing to develop them and boost […]

How Employers Can Attract Talented Millennials

Attracting Millennials to your organization can be a bit of a challenge. This generation of employees is looking for a wide variety of opportunities from potential employers, including rotational programs, coaching, mentoring and community service. To remain competitive today and into the future, you’re going to need to attract talented Millennials to your organization. To […]

Do You Really Get Your Millennial Employees?

Once you know the basics about what Millennials are looking for in the workplace, it’s easy to think that you’ve got them figured out. But the ideals of this dynamic generation run deep, and it’s important for employers to stay on top of what Millennials are looking for in their work. This week I’ve been […]

Are Your Corporate Values Connecting With Today’s Talent Pool?

One of changes Millennials have helped bring to today’s workplaces is a focus on giving back. Millennials are interested in working for companies that have strong corporate values and a sense of responsibility, so it’s essential that your organization offers employees the chance to volunteer, make a difference and ultimately change the world. This week […]

Flexible Working isn’t Just for Millennials and Moms

Flexible working arrangements are important to Millennials, and as more of them have moved into the workforce, the demand for flexible work has increased. But Millennials aren’t the only people who want flexibility — and neither are moms. Employees from a wide variety of demographic groups have come to value workplace flexibility and look for […]

How to Give Effective Feedback — And Why You Need to Do So More Often

One of the things Millennials thrive on in the workplace is feedback — and lots of it. They like to know where they stand and what their managers think about their performance and progress. But providing feedback can sometimes be difficult and may not be a manager’s top priority. Still, it’s essential to learn to […]