Are Millennials Really That Different from Other Generations in Today’s Workplace?
One of the questions I hear most often when I give presentations on managing generational differences in the workplace is: Are Millennials really that different from previous generations entering the workplace? In other words, haven’t older employees been bemoaning “kids today” for generations? My answer: Yes. And no. Yes, managers have always worried about their […]
Now Trending in the Millennial Workplace
In my “Now Trending” series, I curate five recently published articles that capture the future of work or embrace the Millennial mindset. Share your favorite articles of the week in a comment! Should Companies Make Space in the Boardroom for Generation Y? In this debate article from Director magazine, two senior level professionals argue the […]
When Millennial Women Make More Money: An Interview with Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh Torabi is a personal finance expert, author, TV personality, and sought-after speaker whose mission is to help people take control of their finances so they can live their richest, happiest lives. She is a contributing editor at MoneyMagazine and frequent contributor to DailyWorth, Yahoo! and The Today Show. Her latest book is “When She […]
The Secret to Winning Millennials’ Trust
Millennials aren’t quick to put their trust in the government, politicians, corporations or other institutions, but 82 percent said they would have more trust in a company or institution if it were doing one simple thing: engaging in social media, according to an annual survey by global public relations firm Edelman. That means companies that […]
5 Email Etiquette Rules for the Multigenerational Workforce
Though some people feel that email is dead, statistics prove we’re far from that truth. Over 11,000 emails are sent to the average worker per year. Professionals spend hours every week reading and responding to emails, which is why perfecting email writing is one of the most important things you can do for your reputation. […]
Millennials at Work: Instant Gratification and the Need for Speed
The infamous traits of the Millennial generation have been studied, discussed and debated far and wide: they’re always connected, they’re ambitious, they’re approval oriented and more. In this series of blog posts, “Millennials at Work,” I’m diving into each of these stereotypes and discussing how they impact this generation and those of us who work […]
Now Trending in the Millennial Workplace
In my “Now Trending” series, I curate five recently published articles that capture the future of work or embrace the Millennial mindset. Share your favorite articles of the week in a comment! 5 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Motivate Millennials at Work I love this Forbes piece by fellow She’s the First board member Denise Restauri […]
Millennials at Work: The Global Generation
The infamous traits of the Millennial generation have been studied, discussed and debated far and wide: they’re always connected, they’re ambitious, they’re approval-oriented and more. In this series of blog posts, “Millennials at Work,” I’m diving into each of these stereotypes and discussing how they impact this generation and those of us who work with […]
Millennials at Work: Gen Ys and Teamwork
The infamous traits of the Millennial generation have been studied, discussed and debated far and wide: they’re always connected, they’re ambitious, they’re approval-oriented and more. In this series of blog posts, “Millennials at Work,” I’m diving into each of these stereotypes and discussing how they impact this generation and those of us who work with […]
How to Attract Millennial Employees
According to an often-cited report from the Business and Women Professional’s Foundation, Generation Y will make up almost 75% of the world’s workforce by 2025. With just a little over a decade to go, the smart employer is taking a look now at ways to attract the next generation of talent. I have spoken with […]