It’s Okay to “Unachieve” For A While

My friend and fellow writer Suzanne Grossman posted a great piece on The Huffington Post today, called “Just a Temp?” It’s a great reminder that it’s okay to stop achieving for a while and accept that our careers and lives go through natural ups, downs and transitions. Here is the beginning of the article: The […]

How to Navigate the Turbulent Twenty-something Years

I am thrilled to share the news that my friend and podcast co-host Christine Hassler has just released a must-read book for twentysomethings: 20-Something Manifesto: Quarter-Lifers Speak Out about Who They Are, What They Want and How to Get It. Here is Christine’s description of the book: The Gen Y and Millennial Generations are experiencing […]

How I Learned to Say No

My name is Lindsey and I am a recovering yes-woman. Why is it that saying yes—even when it means changing our entire schedule, canceling other plans or doing something totally unpleasant—feels so much easier than just saying no? For me, saying yes was also a lifelong habit. I often said yes because I didn’t know […]

Have a Case of the Mondays? Try This

It was an absolutely beautiful weekend here in the New York area, and I spent it with my best girlfriends in the world, who were all in town visiting from around the country. And now it’s Monday and it’s pouring and I have a writing deadline and a conference call and I don’t really like […]

The Blog Begins!

I’m very excited to start writing my own blog. Special thanks to Emmie Twombly (Bates College ’08) for the final push into the blogosphere. . Please let me know what you’d like to see featured here!