Beyond Banking: How a Wide Variety of Industries Are Attracting and Retaining Millennials

Do lawn care companies and law firms face the same talent challenges?

On the surface, it might not seem like it. But I’ve learned that one challenge appears to affect virtually all industries today: attracting and retaining millennials. And while some industries, such as banking, law and consulting, get a lot of the buzz around rethinking old-school practices with millennials in mind, many other types of organizations are grappling with the same issues and coming up with creative solutions.

Reading the examples below, I’m struck by how similar millennial needs can be across industries. Read on for insights about designing a workplace that will appeal to younger workers.

Lesson from Landscaping: Share What Makes You Special

“Bluntly state what makes your company culture special and make it extremely evident for Millennials. Millennials want to be part of a company with a legacy and an encouraging work environment that shows its appreciation. Whether this is achieved through offering monthly incentives or bonuses awarded for hard work, millennials want their efforts to be noticed and acknowledged. … Make sure you present your lawn care company as an exciting opportunity, looking to make a difference in the world and from there enforce a strong company culture with a collaborative approach.”  —  Read more at Lawn and Landscape.

Lesson from Real Estate: Show How You Give Back

“Another office priority that ranks high with younger agents is community involvement. [Philip] Becker, [broker-owner of Becker Properties] hosts dinners at the office that benefit a local nonprofit, in an effort to build ‘fellowship.’ He recalls one recent recruit being impressed by a video of his team surprising a member of their janitorial staff with a new car after hers was stolen. Becker says younger agents want to associate themselves with a company that helps the community. ‘They really, really care about giving back, and if you’re not reaching out to them in that way, you’re missing the boat,’ he says. If you prove your authenticity to this group, they will spread the word about your brokerage, which is far more valuable than traditional recruiting methods, [Brian] McKenna, [author of Generation Now: Recruiting, Training and Retaining Millennials] adds.” —  Read more at Realtor Magazine.

Lesson from Manufacturing: Millennials’ Peers Are Your Best Ad

“Because millennials will listen to their peers more readily than they will older experts, the Manufacturing Institute has led an initiative for companies to send younger employees as ‘ambassadors’ to college campuses and schools where they speak about their jobs. These ambassadors also lead shop tours when students and young job seekers come to their plants and factories. ‘Students have no idea what jobs there are in manufacturing,’ [Nichole Williams of Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.] says. ‘They want to know what I do all day. So we talk about how manufacturing jobs are not the dark, dirty and dangerous jobs of the past. They are really high-tech and innovative. You can make a lot of money and have a good career path.’” —  Read more at Wall Street Journal.

Lesson from the Fitness World: Coaching Can Up Your Game

“Finish Line … used survey data to examine what millennials and other workers value. [It] found that employees of all ages value competitive pay, along with career paths, work/life balance and meaningful work. Based on the findings, Finish Line offered learning and development programs, ongoing performance feedback, mentoring and coaching, [Kim] Kurtz, [director of benefits and wellness], said. Performance ratings are no longer a once-a-year event, Kurtz said. It’s a culture change to provide continuous feedback, she said. ‘You have to teach your managers how to have these coaching discussions on a regular basis,’ she added.”

—  Read more at Bloomberg BNA.

What are new ways your industry is attracting and retaining millennials? Please share below!

Lindsey Pollak is the leading voice on millennials in the workplace, trusted by global companies, universities, the world’s top media outlets — and, most importantly, by millennials themselves. A New York Times bestselling author, Lindsey began her career as a dorm RA in college and has been mentoring millennials — and explaining them to other generations — ever since. Her keynote speeches have audiences so engaged that, in the words of one attendee, “I didn’t check my phone once!” Contact Lindsey to discuss a speaking engagement for your organization.

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Lindsey is a globally recognized career and workplace expert and the leading voice on generational diversity. She has spoken for more than 300 audiences including Google, Goldman Sachs, Estee Lauder, Stanford and Wharton. Lindsey is the author of four career and workplace advice books, and her insights have appeared in media outlets including The TODAY Show, CNBC, NPR, the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal.


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