Quick Tips for Improving Your Elevator Pitch

No matter where you are in your career, your elevator pitch is an essential tool in your “how to get ahead” arsenal. How well you describe yourself in those first few moments of meeting someone is immeasurably important. It takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression, so your opening lines need to be […]

3 Secrets of Non-Verbal Communication

It’s been said a zillion times, but it’s true: It’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it. The tone with which you deliver your words, the way you stand and the all-important eye contact connection express information that words cannot. The most successful people I know aren’t just great thinkers or creative […]

Five Key Takeaways from Promote Yourself by Dan Schawbel

My friend and fellow Gen Y enthusiast, Dan Schawbel, published his latest book this week, Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success. Here are my five favorite takeaways from the book.  But trust me, they only scratch the surface of the great advice in this book! 1.) The rules of engagement have changed: 15% […]

LinkedIn Profiles vs. Resumes: What’s the Difference?

A question I am often asked in my duties as LinkedIn’s Ambassador is, “Should my LinkedIn profile read the same as my resume?”  The answer is both yes and no.  Here’s a breakdown: LinkedIn Profiles and Resumes: The Similarities 1.) Sections.  As Martin Yate explains in his post on this subject, you can get a […]

3 Career Tips to Upgrade Your Quarter Life

Your 20s and 30s are a defining set of decades in your life.  You make choices about your career, your friendships, your romantic relationships, your finances and your home that help shape the trajectory of your life.  If you’re feeling the pressure to make the “right” choices or to do the “right” things, you’re not […]

Build Your Personal Brand by Supporting Your Employer’s Brand

Today’s post is from my friend and colleague, William Arruda. Dubbed the “Personal Branding Guru” by Entrepreneur, William is the founder of Reach and author of Ditch. Dare. Do! He is credited with turning the concept of personal branding into a global industry. Check out the podcast interview I did with William about getting from college […]

How to Tap Your LinkedIn Network for Your Next Opportunity

A recruiter once told me that he always has two stacks of resumes on his desk: one super tall stack of resumes he receives unsolicited from the Internet and one very short stack of resumes that have been passed along from people he knows and trusts. Not surprisingly, when this recruiter has a job to […]

How to Job Hunt When You’ve Been Away from the Workforce

You’ve probably heard the saying that it’s easier to get a job when you have a job. Well, what if you don’t currently have a job? What if you haven’t had a job for a long period of time? Don’t despair. It may take some extra effort to land a job after a long period […]

Quick Tips for Networking Through Social Media

This week I had the pleasure of presenting during “office hours” for The Levo League, a new community for professional women of the Millennial generation. I love the mission of the organization — Levo is the Latin root of the word “elevate,” which captures the organization’s mission for professional women to ascend together and achieve […]

How to Get a Job with Your Dream Employer

If you could work for any company in the world, which employer would you choose? You can see the most popular answers to this question on LinkedIn’s recently released list ofMost InDemand Employers, which ranks the most sought-after companies on LinkedIn, ranked geographically and by job function. If your dream employer appears on this list, you’re certainly in […]