The Best Way to Network with Alumni on LinkedIn

If you’ve been feeling the urge lately to buy fresh pencils and open the first page of a crisp new notebook, you’re not alone. Whether you graduated two years ago or 20, September always feels like the beginning of a new school year. For job seekers, this sense of a new beginning can inspire you […]

How to Network with VIPs on LinkedIn

One of the first pieces of advice I always give to job seekers is to network with the people you already know – friends, family, neighbors, former colleagues and fellow college alumni. These people are valuable members of your LinkedIn network and, ideally, will be happy to introduce you to potentially helpful contacts in their […]

How to Answer the Question, “What Should I Do With My Life?”

Finding a job can be hard. Finding a job when you’re not exactly sure what kind of job you want can be really, really hard. Perhaps you’ve recently graduated, you’ve been laid off from a shrinking industry or you just have a sense that you might be happier in a different career. If you find […]

How to Showcase Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn: 8 Tips

Like professional athletes, we now live in a time of career free agency, where we must regularly prove our unique value in a competitive and frequently changing marketplace. This means that it’s no longer enough to have a good reputation in one’s current position. We need to think about how we’re perceived in the broader […]

Be a Gutsy Grad: LinkedIn Tips for the Class of 2012

Congratulations, graduates, and welcome to the Real World! First, the good news: Employers are expected to hire 10.2 percent more college graduates this year than they did from the Class of 2011, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. The bad news? It’s still a really tight job market for young people, with […]

Lurk First (and 4 More Tips on Getting the Most out of LinkedIn Groups)

Interested in finding a new job, switching careers, attracting more clients or building a stronger professional network? LinkedIn Groups is the place to be. Groups provides opportunities to meet and engage in discussions with members of your industry, your alumni community or other professional interest areas. Becoming active in LinkedIn Groups is like attending a […]

How LinkedIn Company Pages Can Help Your Job Search

According to a recent LinkedIn poll, the single biggest job interview mistake people make is not knowing enough about the company to which they’re applying. With all of the research tools available on the Internet and elsewhere, it is now easier than ever to avoid this mistake. You should always visit a potential employer’s own website […]

3 Ways to Reinvent Yourself on LinkedIn

We’re already a month into 2012 and most job seekers have given up on their lofty New Year’s resolutions. If you’re in this boat, don’t despair! Instead, use LinkedIn — and a few trusted friends or colleagues — to help you make the change you desire. Over the years I’ve observed the ways that people […]

Getting from College to Career, Revised Edition — on sale now!

Today is the day! I am thrilled to announce that my new book, the revised and updated edition of Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World, is now available from HarperCollins! I’m now also sharing daily career tips, links and resources on my Facebook fan page at […]

Back to Basics: The 15 Most Important Resume Tips for Young Professionals

I’m excited to announce (again!) that my book, Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World, will be published in a brand new, fully revised second edition on January 31st! In honor of the launch, this month I’m writing series of “back to basics” blog posts on the essentials […]