Find Your Dream Job: 12 Career Resolutions

Every day is a new beginning, but a new calendar year offers a particularly great opportunity for fresh starts. This year more than ever, career-minded people are craving new opportunities and new strategies to carry out in January and beyond. As you think about your plans and goals, here are 12 career-related resolutions to consider […]

Essential Recession Reading: 5 New Articles for Young Job Hunters

Yesterday I was a guest on NPR’s Talk of the Nation on the topic of “Where to Look for Jobs in the Recession.” Laurence Shatkin, author of 150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs, and I  shared our tips, and host Neal Conan took calls from listeners. Many listeners shared upsetting stories of layoffs and difficulty landing new […]

How to Get a Job: 10 New Tips

When people ask me how to get a job in a bad economy, my answer isn’t particularly earth shattering: Do everything you did in a good economy — have a terrific resume, cast a wide net in your search, network effectively — just do it all smarter, faster, better and more often In addition to […]

Career Q&A: How to Get a Job When You Have a Low GPA

How much does GPA matter when you’re job hunting? Q: Everything is so much more competitive these days. Will I ever get a good job when I graduated with a 2.0 GPA? A: Some elite employers have policies requiring a certain GPA (usually a 3.0 or higher), and there is generally no way around that […]

Economy got you down? Move to Australia (seriously!)

Looking for an alternative to job hunting in the U.S.? It’s now easier than ever to work, study and travel in Australia. College students have been studying abroad for decades, but in today’s increasingly global economy, international experience is becoming more and more valuable to employers. When you add the fact that job prospects in […]

5 Ways to Stand Out in Tough Economic Times

I was struck by the last line of a recent article in BusinessWeek about career strategies for a recession. The line comes from an executive coach who says: “If you can shine at this moment, you’ll shine forever.” That’s a pretty strong statement. I’m not sure if any one time period can define an entire […]

How to Get a Good Job in a Bad Economy: 7 Recession Strategies

Job hunting is tough right now, but absolutely not impossible. The key to finding and keeping work in tough times is the same as in good times: action. The more positive action you take, the better your chances of landing a great gig. Here are 7 tips, and I promise many more in the coming […]

The best and the brightest: What will change with the economic downturn?

Will the economic downturn stop the best and the brightest from flocking to investment banking, management consulting and corporate law? I hope so. During my freshman and sophomore years at Yale, I’d sit with friends for hours in the dining hall, loving the debates about politics and literature and history. It was exactly what I’d […]

Book Review: “When Reality Hits”

Helpful and realistic career advice for college students and recent grads In the Introduction to her book, When Reality Hits: What Employers Want Recent Graduates to Know, Nancy Barry explains that she wants readers to feel “as if I’m sitting right there with you in a coaching session. I’m your biggest champion and we haven’t […]