The Holiday Lull: How to Be Productive When Pretty Much No One Else Is

What do you think about the time period between Dec. 26 and Jan. 2? If “vacation,” “food coma” or “spending my holiday gift cards” come to mind, you’re in good company. A 2015 survey from Robert Half found that more than a quarter of U.S. workers intended to take that week as vacation, and of […]

My TEDx Talk: Let’s Finally Stop Shaming Millennials and Do This Instead

I recently had the thrill of presenting at TEDx St. Louis Women. (Watch my full TEDx talk below.) This event, held at the gorgeous Peabody Opera House, was one of several TEDx Women events across the country the same day all addressing the theme, “It’s About Time.” It took me all of five seconds to […]

#Goal: To-Do List Zero

Some productivity zealots are obsessed with “inbox zero,” but you might also be looking to conquer “to-do list zero.” Whether you’re a to-do list app aficionado, a “write it down so you can cross it off” type, you’ve jumped down the “bullet journal” rabbit hole, or you’re super Type-A like me and buy graph paper […]

Never Stop Learning: Why True Masters Are Lifelong Students

As I talk to successful professionals I admire, I am often struck by one commonality: They are committed to always studying their craft. To me, it’s lifelong learning separates those who will continue to rise in their fields from those who are content to just float along. No matter what stage of your career, having […]

A Pause For Giving Thanks: Why Gratitude Is Totally Work Appropriate

It’s nothing new to give thanks for our loved ones on Thanksgiving. But as we think of our family and friends, it’s also a good time to reflect on the people who have helped us in our careers. The mentor who supported you from the start. The boss who, in retrospect, taught you more than […]

The Ultimate Work/Life Blend: The Business + Leisure (aka “Bleisure”) Trip

Have you heard the term “bleisure?” Combine the ongoing conversation about work/life blend with our need to replace the term Brangelina and this is the result: a new way to talk about combining personal travel with a business trip. I can’t say I love the word, but I do like the concept. If you’re headed […]

The Final Election-at-Work Survival Guide: How to Make Non-Political Small Talk

Are you beyond tired talking of about you-know-what? I am. The epic presidential election of 2016 may even be causing your blood pressure to rise: a recent poll from the American Psychological Association found that more than half of Americans say the 2016 election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress. The final […]

Social Media at Work: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?

Truth: Social media at work is an integral part of many of your employees’ days. According to a Pew research report, employees are using social media at work for a wide variety of reasons, both professional and non-job related — a combined 61 percent said they use social media to “take a mental break from […]

When “Face Time” is FaceTime: How to Manage Virtual Workers

No longer just for hipster start-ups, even prominent companies – think IBM, American Express and 3M — now abound with virtual workers. In fact, nearly one-quarter of American workers currently telecommute at least part of the time, according to Global Workplace Analytics. That means that whether you’re a new or seasoned manager, you probably manage […]