How to Build a More Productive Workforce: Start with Millennial Training and Development

Providing training and development opportunities shows your millennial employees that you value their skills and want to invest in their learning. And embracing millennial training and development will help you turn these young, talented employees into a productive, skilled workforce that will help your company thrive in the coming years. This week, I’ve collected several […]

Managing Millennials Really Is Different

Are millennials really that different from other generations when they were first starting out? This is one of the most common questions I’m asked and an issue I think about frequently. My conclusion is that millennials are truly different in some important ways. Their engagement with technology is an obvious difference, but more important, I […]

How to Boost Corporate Responsibility at Your Organization

Millennials care about a wide selection of social causes, and demonstrating that you care, too, can earn you respect from your millennial employees, as well as from your community. By showing that your organization stands for something and has a commitment to doing good, you attract employees that care about the same things. Volunteering, supporting […]

Communication Is Essential to Engaging Millennials

Recruiting and engaging millennial employees is essential to companies that want to thrive today and grow in the years to come. Millennials value transparency and communication from employers, so to engage these young workers, companies need to learn to listen to millennials and communicate with them about company culture, business objectives, career paths and more. […]

When ‘Busy’ is a 4-Letter Word for Leaders

When I first started my career in the late-1990s, I remember being really impressed by people who said they were “slammed”, “buried” or “completely maxed out”. “They must be so important,” I thought, as I chugged my third Diet Coke of the morning and tapped away on my PalmPilot. But now I know better, and […]

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Do you ever feel like a fake? If you’re a leader today and you’ve felt some occasional insecurity in your role, you’re far from alone. This phenomenon is often called impostor syndrome, and it’s a concern that arises in many training sessions I deliver to leaders, and new leaders in particular. The good news is […]

Are You Setting New Managers Up for Success?

Last winter I started doing yoga. As someone who is not naturally coordinated, calm or interested in chanting, I had no idea what I was doing at the beginning. So I took some lessons. Then I worked my way up to classes. And now, a year later, I can occasionally hold a crow pose for […]

How to Mentor Millennials at Work

Even though millennials love communicating with technology, they value face time and one-on-one connections as well. Today’s young professionals want to hear how they’re doing and what they could be doing better, and a mentoring relationship is a perfect way to fulfill that need. Mentoring can also give millennial employees leadership development opportunities, which they’re […]

The Millennial CEO

I recently attended a party hosted by a startup run almost entirely by millennials. I had the opportunity to chat with the company’s twenty-something founder and CEO, who gamely answered my probing questions about his leadership style. (“So, you study people like me?” he asked politely.) What struck me most was the CEO’s lack of […]

How to Build a Flexible Workplace

Millennials are looking for flexibility in the workplace — they’re comfortable checking work email from home, but they also want to be able to check personal emails at work, for example. This can be challenging for employers, especially large organizations in which different employees are looking for different things, such as job-sharing, working from home […]