The Final Election-at-Work Survival Guide: How to Make Non-Political Small Talk
Are you beyond tired talking of about you-know-what? I am. The epic presidential election of 2016 may even be causing your blood pressure to rise: a recent poll from the American Psychological Association found that more than half of Americans say the 2016 election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress. The final […]
Social Media at Work: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?
Truth: Social media at work is an integral part of many of your employees’ days. According to a Pew research report, employees are using social media at work for a wide variety of reasons, both professional and non-job related — a combined 61 percent said they use social media to “take a mental break from […]
Not All Millennials are Middle Class
As you know if you’re a frequent reader, I often hear complaints that members of the millennial generation are entitled, lazy and narcissistic. The pervasive stereotype, often perpetuated by the media and late-night TV, is that young people today are all coddled trust fund kids with nothing better to do than whine while posting selfies […]
When “Face Time” is FaceTime: How to Manage Virtual Workers
No longer just for hipster start-ups, even prominent companies – think IBM, American Express and 3M — now abound with virtual workers. In fact, nearly one-quarter of American workers currently telecommute at least part of the time, according to Global Workplace Analytics. That means that whether you’re a new or seasoned manager, you probably manage […]
Lead with the ‘Why’: How to Emphasize Purpose to Attract Millennials
What is your company’s mission? If you said it was to sell widgets or provide advice, you’re not going to be in the best position to attract millennial employees. That’s because many millennials are inspired to work when they know their company has a purpose beyond profits. In fact, more than half of college-educated millennials […]
Should Work Be ‘Fun’? The Concept is More Retro Than You Think
“Work isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s called ‘work’ for a reason!” Sound familiar? I’ve certainly heard comments like this from curmudgeonly colleagues over the years. I frequently hear people criticize millennials for wanting work to be “fun.” And the media likes to bombard us with millennial-bashing images of immature young people who expect a […]
Why Transparency Matters: Your 3-Step Guide to a More Transparent Workplace
“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” If you thought this quote came from a millennial start-up founder, you’d be wrong. None other than the Dalai Lama shared this belief on how transparency can yield success. But transparency can be a scary concept for managers. After all, Gen Xers […]
How to Be ‘The Most Interesting Man (or Woman) in the World’
One of the golden rules of networking is to “be interested” — to ask open-ended questions and listen well. But what about the flip side: How can you be interesting, too? It’s a trait that can make any conversation flow more easily, whether you’re meeting new people or interacting with colleagues or clients at work. […]
Pure Gold: Workplace Lessons from the 2016 Olympics
The explosive power of gymnast Simone Biles. The incredible determination of swimmers Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps. The feats we see at the Olympics are the result of discipline, grit and hours and hours (and hours) of practice. They showcase teamwork, focus, communication and dedication – coincidentally, all traits that make for a great employee. […]
5 Things Every College and Employer Should Know About Gen Z
Just when we start to figure out millennials, everyone starts looking ahead. Don’t get me wrong: I still spend the majority of my time helping leaders think about millennials and the opportunities and challenges they bring to the workplace. But, more and more I’m getting questions about Gen Z, the generation that comes after millennials. […]