The New Normal of Recruiting: Online Company Reviews
When was the last time you booked a vacation, made a restaurant reservation or bought a new appliance (or even a pair of shoes) without checking online reviews? I’d bet it was quite a while ago, since most of us these days are inclined to check into absolutely everything before we make a move. This […]
Can Bosses and Employees Be Friends? How to Navigate the Work Friend Zone
Are you one of the lucky people who loves your boss? Maybe she’s everything you aspire to be one day. Hanging with the team for happy hour. Turning the hallway into a putting green. Giving you solid client insight from her years in the trenches. Or maybe you’re a boss overseeing the employee of your dreams. […]
Why Do We Study Generations?
How can you take 75 million people and say they have anything in common? In other words, how can you take one “generation,” with each person having individual likes and dislikes, quirks, history and background, and treat them as one big, uniform group? You know where I’m going with this: I’m talking about millennials. In […]
Mentoring Alternatives: A New Approach to Professional Advice
I’ve always been a huge fan of mentors. My own mentors have helped me shape my career. They’ve smoothed my path and taught me countless valuable lessons, large (how to structure my business) and small (the best shoes to wear as a professional speaker). But as I reflect on the mentors who’ve made a difference, […]
Mind Your Mobile Manners: Smartphone Etiquette Is Always in Style
Pot, meet kettle. A new survey out from Bank of America found that less than 20 percent of adults think they are on their mobile phone too much, yet more than half believe others are. And, only 10 percent of respondents believe they are “tuned out to the world” when they are on their smartphone, […]
Entrepreneur-ish: Are Millennials Shying Away from Business Ownership?
There is a persistent belief that millennials are entrepreneurs. Maybe that’s because millennials are open about their desire to job hop. Maybe it’s because Gen Y workers have grown up expecting customization and specialization. Maybe it’s because of the prominence of Mark Zuckerberg. But here is a fact: While millennials might be “entrepreneurial” in nature, […]
Beyond Banking: How a Wide Variety of Industries Are Attracting and Retaining Millennials
Do lawn care companies and law firms face the same talent challenges? On the surface, it might not seem like it. But I’ve learned that one challenge appears to affect virtually all industries today: attracting and retaining millennials. And while some industries, such as banking, law and consulting, get a lot of the buzz around […]
The Millennial Retention Idea You Need to Borrow Right Now
Ask any manager what their No. 1 talent issue is, and I can almost guarantee they will offer some variable of “attract and retain millennials.” That’s why I was so happy to meet Whitney Proffitt, manager of campus recruiting at investment consulting company Cambridge Associates, and hear about a millennial council the firm has developed. […]
Business Casual Dress: It’s Complicated
When even the bankers and accountants are dressing down, you know that casual dress is here to stay as a workplace norm. JP Morgan and PricewaterhouseCoopers are the latest to hang up their suits. While business casual is hardly news in most circles, having such traditional, buttoned-up industries jump on the casual train represents a […]
Why I Support Millennials: My TEDx Talk
Do you have a bucket list? I just crossed a big one off mine – delivering a TEDx talk! My client, Estée Lauder, presented the opportunity to me. It was gratifying to be invited, amazing to watch other live talks and inspirational to see the positive response to my key message: Millennials are our future; […]