How to Build Millennial-Friendly Workplaces Where All Your Employees Will Thrive

Having the freedom to be creative at work is one of the most important things Millennials want from their employers — and it’s a perk that can pay off for every employee. Building a culture of creativity means taking risks, but it can mean innovation and happier employees as well. This week, I’ve collected articles […]

How to Recruit and Engage Millennials

Organizations in both the public and private sectors are trying a variety of tactics to recruit, engage and retain Millennial employees. And what they’re finding is that it’s not all about flashy perks. Employers that are interested in hanging on to these dynamic and creative employees need to understand that Millennials are looking for flexibility […]

Why Millennials Matter in the Workplace

Whether other generations like it or not, Millennials matter in the workplace. With their approach to what it means to be an employee, they are changing the way HR departments and managers relate to workers in all generations. They dream big and aren’t afraid to go after what they want — even if it means […]

What Steps Are You Taking to Become an Employer of Choice for Millennials?

Even though Millennials have been in the workforce for several years, many employers are still stumped when it comes to what this youngest generation of workers wants from their jobs and careers. I’ve found that what Millennials want out of work isn’t hard to understand, and in fact, fostering the aspects they look for from […]

How to Engage Millennial Employees

In my new book, Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next Generation of Leaders, I share advice on how different generations can get along in the workplace and work together more effectively. This week, I found more advice to help employers manage Millennial employees, more effectively integrate Millennials into their workforces and keep Gen […]

Don’t Buy Into These Millennial Myths

As I said in the Tomorrow@Work report for the Hartford’s Trends Forecast, this is the year Millennials will finally be taken seriously as leaders, and we’ll end the Millennial-bashing once and for all. The media is turning a corner from portraying Millennials as “entitled,” “coddled” and “addicted to their smartphones” and realizing they represent the […]

Management Solutions for Millennials and Managers of All Ages

Bruce Tulgan is a leadership and management expert and bestselling author whose latest book The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-by-Step Solutions to (Nearly) All of Your Management Problems is due out in September. I recently connected with him to get some advice for new managers and how their employers can help them succeed. Here’s what […]

SHRM Foundation Report Offers Insights into Millennials and the Evolving World of Work

An aging workforce is leading to the departure of many high-level and experienced employees, leaving a huge void of expertise and established skills. At the same time, the Millennials, the youngest generation of employees in the workforce has been found to be restless and hard for employers to retain, according to the Society for Human […]

3 Things Every Employer Needs to Know About Millennials

Are you struggling to fully understand the Millennials (aka Gen Y)? They’re the generation born between the early 1980’s and 2000 and they’re the youngest members of the American workforce. While some are still in school, the older Millennials are getting ready to enter their first professional leadership roles, so no matter what industry you’re […]

When Baby Boomers and Millennials Become Colleagues: An Interview with Lauren Stiller Rikleen

Lauren Stiller Rikleen is a nationally recognized expert on developing a thriving, diverse and multi-generational workforce.  As president of the Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership, Lauren conducts workshops, speaks at conferences, retreats, and professional events, and provides training programs focusing on: unconscious bias; strengthening intergenerational relationships in the workplace; and women’s leadership and advancement.  Lauren […]